1. Innocence:

A story of forced loss - of comfort, of safety nets. In the aftermath, spiralling, trying to find that sense of security again, and at the end of it all, realising that you are your only ally.

2. Breakdown Palace

A loss that shakes your core beliefs. A shattering of innocence, of a sense of naïveté and blindness to the ruthlessness of the world. A reckoning. A realisation of the absurdity of it all.

Recklessness, irreverence, brazenness.

It’s turtles all the way down.

3. Between Light and Dark

A symbol of fertility in many cultures, the pomegranate becomes the story of a different kind of loss. An intentional shedding; of impositions, past selves, roles that you never intended to play. A rejection of externally constructed definitions of value, with dignity, strength and grace.

4. Killing Socrates

Some losses are generational, and are carried forward and perpetuated, with no respite. As a result, steadfastness, wielding scars with seemingly effortless dignity, knowing that your strength, however performative, plays a part in collective resilience.

This pattern is based on a Palestinian embroidery pattern referred to as ‘dmou’a’, which translates to tears.

5. Homage to the Past:

This pattern is based on a Palestinian embroidery pattern referred to as ‘dmou’a’, which translates to tears.